Phi Theta Kappa Membership Perks
All stark state students are invited to attend our general meetings and participate in our local events. encourages qualified individuals to join Phi Theta Kappa and enjoy the privileges that come with membership.
Some of these great benefits include:
New student members are formally welcomed with an Induction Ceremony by the Alpha Gamma Alpha Chapter of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society.
Graduating members of Phi Theta Kappa may wear the Golden Honor Stole, Tassel, Cords, and Key Medallion during their commencement ceremony. They may also affix the Society’s Gold Diploma Seal to their two-year college diploma and have their membership noted in their transcript.
More than $90 million in transfer scholarships to many four-year colleges and universities are available to Phi Theta Kappa members. Some two-year college scholarships include the Pearson Scholarship for Higher Ed., GEICO Pathway to Completion, and the Oberndorf Lifeline to Completion Scholarship.
For scholarship information and deadlines, visit the Phi Theta Kappa Scholarships page.
Letters of Recommendation
At the request of the member, Phi Theta Kappa headquarters will send a letter of recommendation to college admission counselors, scholarship committees, or potential employers.
Online Resources
Members can take advantage of great offers, discounts, and a host of online benefits.
Active members in the Phi Theta Kappa chapters have an opportunity to travel to regional and national conferences.
Members have numerous opportunities to serve as chapter, regional, or even international officers. Leadership training is also available through seminars and conferences.
More Benefits
Visit the Phi Theta Kappa website for details!